Pridal: Pred 6 rokmi
Imagine you have 2 databases with identical schema. These databases were working for different application instances for some time. And now you need to merge them together for some reason.
You can use different tools to achieve this goal. For example dbForge Data Compare or SQL Data Compare. But these tools cost money and if you don't merge databases every day this is probably not an option for you. Also these tools does not know full specific of your database structure including unique indexes, check constraints and triggers.
Another big deal is identity columns that are using as primary keys. For two databases these keys can be same but represent different entities.
In my practice I face database merge task second time and here is how I handle it.
Step 1. Identify tables that must be merged.
If you need to merge only several tables of hundred you probably don't want to have a deal with full database schema. You also definitely want to skip lookup tables such as "AddressType" it it holds only records like "1 | Home" and "2 | Business".
Step 2. Get information about identity columns.
Identity columns are important. Usually they are used as Primary Keys for table rows. But if two databases were working for different application instances you can think that even if identity primary keys are the same for User table for example they represent different entities and there should be no duplicate records. In this case you need to modify all identity primary keys in source database to make data graphs non-overlapped. But first, you need to identify these identity columns.
Step 3. Calculate max identity value.
Now you have Table that contain all identity column information. Next you beed to find the greatedt identity value for all tables and calculate max value among all of your tables
You can use different tools to achieve this goal. For example dbForge Data Compare or SQL Data Compare. But these tools cost money and if you don't merge databases every day this is probably not an option for you. Also these tools does not know full specific of your database structure including unique indexes, check constraints and triggers.
Another big deal is identity columns that are using as primary keys. For two databases these keys can be same but represent different entities.
In my practice I face database merge task second time and here is how I handle it.
Step 1. Identify tables that must be merged.
If you need to merge only several tables of hundred you probably don't want to have a deal with full database schema. You also definitely want to skip lookup tables such as "AddressType" it it holds only records like "1 | Home" and "2 | Business".
use TargetDB;
declare @TablesToImport table
Name nvarchar(128)
insert into @TablesToImport (Name) values
('Users'), ('Orders'), ('Products'), ('Categories')
Step 2. Get information about identity columns.
Identity columns are important. Usually they are used as Primary Keys for table rows. But if two databases were working for different application instances you can think that even if identity primary keys are the same for User table for example they represent different entities and there should be no duplicate records. In this case you need to modify all identity primary keys in source database to make data graphs non-overlapped. But first, you need to identify these identity columns.
declare @TableInformation table
[Schema] nvarchar(128),
Name nvarchar(128),
IdentityColumn nvarchar(128),
MaxIdentity bigint
insert into @TableInformation
) select
'IsIdentity') = 1
'IsTable') = 1
select [Name]
from @TablesToImport
Step 3. Calculate max identity value.
Now you have Table that contain all identity column information. Next you beed to find the greatedt identity value for all tables and calculate max value among all of your tables
declare @Schema nvarchar(128),
@Name NVARCHAR(128),
@IdentityColumn NVARCHAR(128);
declare TablesCursor cursor for
select [Schema], [Name], [IdentityColumn]
from @TableInformation
open TablesCursor
fetch next from TablesCursor
into @Schema, @Name, @IdentityColumn;
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
declare @Select nvarchar (max),
@ParmDefinition nvarchar(500),
@Result bigint;
set @Select = N'select @Result =
max(' + @IdentityColumn + ') from ' + @Schema + '.' + @Name
set @ParmDefinition = N'@Result bigint output';
exec sp_executesql @Select, @ParmDefinition, @Result = @Result output;
-- UPDATE MaxIdentity for Identity Column
update @TableInformation
set MaxIdentity = @Result
where [Schema] = @Schema
and [Name] = @Name
and [IdentityColumn] = @IdentityColumn
fetch next from TablesCursor
into @Schema, @Name, @IdentityColumn;
close TablesCursor
deallocate TablesCursor
-- DISPLAY TableInformation
select * from @TableInformation
-- DISPLAY MaxIdentity
select MAX(MaxIdentity) from @TableInformation